Living the seasons in the home

The bedroom is one of the rooms we undoubtedly experience most in the house. Although a large number of hours are spent sleeping, in reality, every morning and every evening we are faced with an unchanged panorama.
For this reason it is quite normal that every now and then we feel like changing and making

Which colours to choose

If you're a decorating fanatic like me, you'll come to change the colour of your walls at least once a year, but without going that far, there are still plenty of things you can do to give your room a more wintry look. First, choose a colour palette that inspires you for each season.
While in the summer you might opt for lighter, brighter colours, in the winter I like to give my room a cocoon-like feel with warmer, cosier shades.

You could, for example, stick to neutral tones, playing with various shades of grey from graphite to gravel and then possibly add a splash of colour, which you can also change over time, for example by choosing a pair of coloured cushions.
Another possibility would be to start from a main colour and go around it with degrading nuances. An elegant blue goes very well with a petrol or a forest green, a plum goes well with different shades of pink and terracotta... and so on.

Winter bed Winter bed Winter bed

Let's think about the prince of the room: the bed

First keep a few sets of sheets and duvet covers that you will only use during the cold season. Linen never leaves my bed even in winter because, as I have already mentioned in another post, it guarantees a healthy sleep and unbeatable comfort, but sheets alone in this season give way to soft padded bedspreads in different weights and colours, combinations and comfortable duvet covers to change every week
Mix and match pillowcases and sheets in different shades to achieve different combinations and ever-changing results. Replace your furniture cushion covers with some in colours and fabrics that are more suitable for winter, such as velvet, wool or fabrics in patterns that match the new colour palette. This will already be a good first step to avoid the boredom effect.

Winter bed Winter bed Winter bed

We also dress floors

Inoltre se i tappeti vi piacciono, acquistatene uno da mettere proprio in questa stagione. Potreste semplicemente toglierlo durante i mesi estivi e tenere il pavimento nudo o invece sostituirlo con qualcosa di più fresco, sia nei colori che nei materiali.
I tappeti hanno la capacità di arredare moltissimo una stanza, un buon potere isolante e fonoassorbente e, soprattutto, in inverno è molto piacevole poter camminare scalzi senza sentire freddo. Avrete mille opzioni diverse, dai tappeti persiani ai rustici e soffici tappeti berberi.

Nose up: light and other details.

Finally, take care of the lighting, adding a few scented candles in the most woody or amber scents. If you want a woodland effect, I would also like to share with you an idea my daughters had: turn your room into a forest by storing glass vases full of pine cones.
They will give off a nice scent of forest and winter, and if you wish you can complete the dreamy and fairy-tale effect with an evocative decoration for the headboard if you wish, you can complete the dreamy and fairy-tale effect with an evocative decoration for the headboard, combining small branches with warm and welcoming LED lights.